What are the documents needed to submit on the contract day for UR housing?

2012.07.19 |  FAQ |  Contract | 

*All Documents should be within 3 months from the date of issue*

1. Income proof document from your company

*For people who worked in Japan for more than 1 year.

 Gensenchosyuhyo (源泉徴収票) Please see attached sample below



*For people who has just arrived or worked in Japan for less than a year

 Income certificate (所得証明書”Shotoku Shomeisho” – UR Format)and Deputation Letter from your company or employer (ORIGINAL COPY)
※Should have annual income, contract duration, company signature.

Individual Contract: At least 3 million yen annual income.

Family Contract: At least 4 million yen annual income.


2. Resident proof (住民票 – “Juminhyo”) from your ward office (original only)

※Your name and all of your family members’ names and visa status has to be on it.(If your family is in Japan)

※Items need to be checked (IMPORTANT!!!)
- 世帯主・続柄 Head of household・Relationship
- 国籍・地域 Nationality ・ Region
- 中長期在留者・特別永住者等の区分 Status
- 在留カード等番号 Card number
- 在留資格・在留期間・在留期間満了日 Resident status・Period of stay・Date of expiration
*Please check the application sample below for Shinagawa ward office
application form

※Sample of Juminhyo



3. Tax certificate (課税証明書 – “Kazei Shomeisho”) from your ward office (original only)

※ Total Income should be more than 3,000,000 Yen to be qualified.

※Sample of Kazei Shomeisyo